“Thor: Ragnarok”, A Thunderful Work
Release Date:Nov/03/2017
Director:Taika Waititi
Cast:Anthony Hopkins、Cate Blanchett、Chris Hemsworth、Mark Ruffalo、Tom Hiddleston
Viola's Rating:8.7

As the
fifth film of the series’ Phase Three, this adventurous, sci-fi, action “comedy”
talks about a new era in Thor’s life. No one knows where the former Prince of
Asgard, now King of Asgard is after the war the Avengers battle against Ultron.
Traveling all around the universe, God of Thunder deals with many alien affairs
and keeps the world in order. However, things don’t always go the way you think
they’re going to be. Imprisoned, the Mighty Avenger finds himself in a lethal
gladiatorial combat with Hulk, his former ally. God of Thunder must fight for
survival and race against time to prevent the all-powerful Hera from destroying
his home and the Asgardian civilization.
might find it interesting that there are many cameos more than just Stan Lee in
“Thor: Ragnarok”, as how Captain America appears in “Spider-Man Homecoming”. Apparently,
Doctor Strange costars as the flick has been promoted this way, and Hulk, who
even encouraged Marvel Studios to color its logo green in the trailer. To avoid
spoiler, what can be said here is that there are more unanticipated cameos, and
some of them aren’t even from superhero motion pictures.
the third sequel to the King of Asgard’s franchises, “Thor:Ragnarok” continues
talking about family issues like its previous movies do. As a result of the
beloved antagonist Loki playing a role, there’ll be brotherhood topics because the
Mighty Avenger is a loving God without any condition. Moreover, if you remember
the end of the last Thor picture, you’ll know that there’ll be stories about
Odin being told.
makes “Thor:Ragnarok” better than its previous series is that it’s funnier. We
all know that Marvel feature films are clever and humorous with a bunch of unexpected
punchlines, but Captain America and God of Thunder are the two who are boring
and serious due to their old-fashioned attributes. However, in this film, laughers
are everywhere.
hard to decide whether “Thor: Ragnarok” is the best Marvel flick so far, but
there’s no doubt that it’s “thurderful” and helps MCU to motivate its other
storylines. Besides, merely listening to the scores of the motion picture is a
decent enjoyment itself, what else keep you away from watching “Thor: Ragnarok”?
Picture Credit: IMDb
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