“Mission: Impossible- Fallout” Presents Wow Moments

Release Date:Jul/27/2018
Director:Christopher McQuarrie
Cast:Tom Cruise、Simon Pegg、Rebecca Ferguson、Ving Rhames、Sean Harris

Viola's Rating:8.9

When superhero genre becomes the go-to recipe for blockbuster fashions, iconic franchises need to be creative, stunning, thrilling, etc. and not impeccable. Wait, did you say “not impeccable”? The 56-year-old Tom Cruise will give you a bloody “YES”, and that still guarantees a perfect sequel for the IMF series, which was released on July 27, 2018.

Probably the best feature film so far this year, “Mission: Impossible- Fallout” is the sixth episode of the expedition, as well as an adventurous action thriller that takes its audience on a journey once again with the legendary Ethan Hunt on a brand-new mission, and according to the tagline this time, “Some missions are not a choice.”, but it’s always the moviegoers’ choice to take a look on the newly released IMF film. This time, Ethan Hunt and his IMF team, along with some familiar allies, race against time after a mission gone wrong, which represents that they are just human after all.

Starting with the signature theme song, the excitement carries on throughout “Mission: Impossible- Fallout”, but emotional resonance also exists in the flick. IMF aficionados might be excited after seeing the trailer because some of the long-time-no-see faces are back to the big screen such as Ilsa and Julia. Quoting Luther, these two women are the only ones that Ethan ever loved, so it’s not difficult to imagine some touching scenes between Ethan and each of them after such long time parting from them.

Although all secret agents and spies aren’t impeccable, in “Mission: Impossible- Fallout”, this attribute is emphasized even more due to the fact that the motion picture starts with a failed mission. Besides, Ethan isn’t young any more, which reminds me of “Bourne Ultimatum” that the crew focuses on how Bourne tries to deal with aging and his body condition. Therefore, we get to see Ethan hit by a car, IMF team get beat up, and so on.

You may say “Mission: Impossible- Fallout” is a reunion for the IMF team since a bunch familiar allies show up including Benji, Hunley, Ilsa, Julia and Luther, and even with so many old characters in the movie, there’s nothing the audience need to know in advance from previous episodes. However, William Brandt (Jeremy Renner) is absent, and the plot doesn’t explain the reason at all. Brandt’s fans can only hope that he’ll return in the next episode.

“Mission: Impossible- Fallout” tells a simple story in 2 hours and 27 minutes, but it doesn’t feel long at all. By implementing a large number of adrenaline driven scenes, separating the flow into three acts and quick pacing, it successfully gets rid of predictability and presents wow moments. Overall, “Mission: Impossible- Fallout” is definitely the best picture in 2018 so far, and is the one you don’t want to miss.

Picture Credit: IMDb


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