“The Last Duel”: A Masculine Feminine Story

Release Date:Oct/15/2021
Director:Ridley Scott
Cast:Matt Damon、Adam Driver、Jodie Comer、Ben Affleck、Harriet Walter、Sam Hazeldine

Viola's Rating:8.0

It has been 24 years since good buddies Ben Affleck and Matt Damon co-wrote a script, and luckily, this time, Damon’s character doesn’t need people’s rescue; instead, he’s the person saving someone else’s life. Six years apart, Damon once again cooperated with the 83-year-old Oscar winning director Ridley Scott. Although the background of “The Last Duel” is set in 14th century, Scott’s latest feature film can’t be more modern and be a masculine feminine story, which was released on Oct 15, 2021.

Based on the 2004 book of the same name by Eric Jager, this historic action drama tells a true story of trial by combat in medieval France. In the film, King Charles VI declares that Knight Jean de Carrouges settle his dispute with his frenemy, Jacques Le Gris, by challenging him to a duel.

Probably many are attracted to the theater for the “duel”, and director Ridley Scott satisfies his audience. “The Last Duel” starts with the duel, but ends it right after moviegoers realize who the duelers are. Thankfully, before the flick folds, the complete duel is presented, and with only cold weapons, the duel itself is still illustrious. While watching it, the audience is able to feel the nervousness, pain and tension of the duel.

Although the tone of “The Last Duel” is masculine, it’s actually a feminism motion picture. Marguerite de Carrouges (Jodie Corner), as the protagonist, represents the bravery of a female speaking up for herself. Back in 14th century, a woman speaking up not only attracts criticism, but also faces death threat, no matter what assault she received. “The Last Duel” emphasizes the dilemma Marguerite encountered, and it’s even more ironic that the history of her story remains no record.

However, even though Marguerite stands up for herself, there’s no investigation conducted into her case. Instead, a trial that would be considered inappropriate in modern society, at which the victim has to prove that she was harmed herself, while the defendant only needs to “say” that the accusation is false and he has done nothing.

“The Last Duel” adopts special narrative method, which is similar to “Vantage Point”, featuring different angles of three protagonists’ point of views on the same event. Moviegoers get to experience the same journey three times with different perspectives. Besides the feminism part of the movie, director Ridley Scott and cowriters Ben Affleck and Matt Damon want their audience to know that even with the same event, it’s possible that it’s totally different story once the angle’s different.

All in all, “The Last Duel” is an amazing picture that presents a brilliant duel to form a bookend, but at the same time, hides its feminine theme under the masculine surface, attracting target audience who might not respect female as they should.

Picture Credit: IMDb


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