
Showing posts from November, 2015

Mockingjay: The Silver Lighting of Hunger Games

Release Date:Nov /20/2015 Genre: Adventure/Sci-Fi Director: Francis Lawrence Cast: Jennifer Lawrence、Josh Hutcherson 、Liam Hemsworth 、Woody Harrelson 、Julianne Moore Viola's Rating:7.1 With the release of “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2” on Friday, Katniss Everdeen’s (Jennifer Lawrence) journey finally comes to an end. Fans of this adventurous, sci-fi film series have flocked to theaters in support of the films for four straight years, and this final film is sure to provide them a satisfying conclusion. The Hunger Games movies are adapted from American author Suzanne Collins’ trilogy of a dystopian society with this last film being an adaptation of the second half of the third installment. Coming after the mediocre first part, “Mockingjay Part 2” does a good job being enjoyable and exciting. This movie jumps right in where the previous movie ended, and as the war of Panem carries on, the destruction of other districts caused by the Capitol keeps incre...

影迷尖叫屋 #75

新片大戰 1.       Asphalte 寂寞心房客   推薦指數七顆星     一間破舊不堪的老公寓,一台待修的電梯,六名身份背景天差地遠的人物,三段錯身而過的相遇,訴說的都是寂寞轟炸後的遍體鱗傷。 2.          Massan (Fly Away Solo) 永生之愛 推薦指數八顆星     這部印度獨立電影導演 Neeraj Ghaywan 的處女作,透過悲劇愛情故事批判印度的警察收賄與種姓制度。雖然感覺很催淚,畢竟是悲劇,但讓我好想看阿,好久沒看印度電影的感覺。美國甚至沒有上映計畫,台灣的朋友趕緊把握機會吧。 電影 Top 007 第五名: 剩者為王 Last Woman Standing   The Martian 絕地救援 推薦指數八點五顆星 剩者為王 Last Woman Standing 上榜第二週,雖然快要掉出榜外,不過是滿受歡迎的國片。探討的議題與幾年前的偶像劇《敗犬女王》有異曲同工之妙,而演員陣容也是大有來頭,男女主角分別是彭于晏與舒淇,欣賞俊男美女之餘,演技也是不會讓你失望的喔。 The Martian 絕地救援 上榜第八週,終於快要掉出榜外,不過畢竟 Matt Damon 都在火星上撐了那麼久,電影待個兩個月不為過吧。已經看過的朋友可以參考單篇心得,也有英文無雷版喔。 第四名: Love the Coopers 聖誕好家在 推薦指數四顆星 The Secret in Their Eyes 沉默的雙眼 推薦指數五顆星 Love the Coopers 聖誕好家在 上榜第一週,北美通常過完感恩節整個聖誕的氣氛就來了,不過台灣要等到 12/18 才會上映,到時再為大家做介紹囉。 The Secret in Their Eyes 沉默的雙眼 Ray...

【好雷】The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 飢餓遊戲:自由幻夢終結戰

上映日期:Nov /20/2015 類型:Adventure/Sci-Fi 導演: Francis Lawrence 演員: Jennifer Lawrence、Josh Hutcherson 、Liam Hemsworth 、Woody Harrelson 、Julianne Moore Viola's Rating:7.1 系列終於完結了,一直為了避雷不看小說的我,終於可以看書了阿。比起沒有說到重點,隔靴搔癢的第三集前半,最後一部雖然沒有第二集來的刺激,但不至於讓人失望囉。

影迷尖叫屋 #74

新片大戰 1.   Pokemon the Movie XY:Hoopa and the Clash of Ages 神奇寶貝電影版第 18 部:光環的超魔神胡霸   推薦指數八顆星     小智一行人到達了沙漠之中的神奇寶貝中心。正在吃著甜甜圈休息的時候,背後出現了謎之光輪。就這樣光輪消失了,留下了呆住的莎莉娜、希特隆和柚麗嘉… 小智與皮卡丘原來通過光輪,瞬間移動到了這次旅行的目的地迪沙陸市。而後,小智他們跟瑪黎的哥哥巴爾札相遇,他手上有一瓶據說是封印了某隻神奇寶貝的「束縛之壺」,這壺在散發邪惡的氣息後就突然自行解除封印,一隻擁有同樣氣氛的神奇寶貝出現!傳說中的神奇寶貝們也都現身並置城鎮於危險之中。 2.    The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 飢餓遊戲:自由幻夢終結戰 推薦指數七顆星     劇情接續前集,施惠國已進入全國性戰爭狀態, Katnice 挺身對抗都城的 Snow 總統,決心展開最後殊死戰。他們冒著生命危險,發動刺殺 Snow 總統行動,誓命解放施惠國各區公民。 電影 Top 007 第四名: Goosebumps 怪物遊戲 推薦指數七顆星 The Little Prince 小王子 推薦指數九顆星 Goosebumps 怪物遊戲 上榜第四週,仍舊快要掉出榜外,不過只靠北美票房真的滿厲害的,台灣的朋友要等到 12/31 。 The Little Prince 小王子 上榜第四週,依然快要掉出榜外,可以說與怪物遊戲是難兄難弟阿。同樣都是推薦指數不算低,但只靠單一地區的票房努力在榜上撐著。 第三名: Scouts vs. Zombies 殭屍教戰守則 推薦指數五顆星 The Martian 絕地救援 推薦指數八點五顆星 Scouts vs. Zombies 殭屍教戰守則 雖然是以殭屍為主題的喜劇,劇組還是認真找了許多好演技的新生代演員。主角就是由演出過【 Joe 絕地重生】、【 Mud 泥土】與【 The Tree of Life...

Review: Bond disappoints in ‘Spectre’

Release Date:Nov /06/2014 Genre: Action/Adventure/Thriller Director: Sam Mendes Cast: Daniel Craig、Ralph Fiennes Viola's Rating:6.8 Released on Nov. 6, a week after Halloween, the latest James Bond feature film, “Spectre” is not meant to scare its audiences away, but lure them to the classic world of this charming British Secret Service agent. This is the first 007 film after fans celebrated the franchise’s 50th anniversary with the previous motion picture, “Skyfall,” in 2012 and it is also Daniel Craig’s fourth time as Bond. Craig said in an interview in October that he would rather “break glass and slash his wrists” than play James Bond again, but the day before the movie was released, he told Matt Lauer on The Today Show “Maybe I’ll make another one.” This leaves both the crew and the fans some hope for his return. Like “Skyfall,” which introduced James Bond’s childhood background, “Spectre” continues to dig out more about his past. The...