
Showing posts from November, 2018

影迷尖叫屋 #232

• 新片大戰 1.       Creed II 金牌拳手:父仇 推薦指數八顆星 延續電影《洛基》的傳奇,麥可 B 喬丹主演。 2.     Ralph Breaks the Internet 無敵破壞王 2 :網路大暴走 推薦指數八點五顆星 在熱鬧繽紛又無限寬廣的網路世界,他們遇到各式各樣的網紅及動畫角色,也碰上驚險刺激的冒險,一路上受到了網路賽車遊戲「致命關頭」的賽車手與熱門網站爆音的演算總監讚讚姐幫助,過關斬將籌集資金…。 由女神 Gal Gadot 帶領配音配音演員驚喜獻唱的 A Place Called Slaughter Race~  • 電影 Top 007 第六名: The Quake 芮氏 9.6 推薦指數六顆星 1904 年,挪威奧斯陸發生芮氏地震規模 5.4 級的大地震,震央位於首都下方的奧斯陸地塹,時至今日,該區域仍不時會發生小型餘震。沒有人能夠預測這場世紀災難究竟何時到來,可能一百年後才會天搖地動,也可能發生在明天…… 第五名: 誰先愛上他的 Dear Ex 推薦指數八點五顆星   Ralph Breaks the Internet 無敵破壞王 2 :網路大暴走 推薦指數八點五顆星 誰先愛上他的 Dear Ex 上榜第四週,名次小小下滑一名,已經看過的朋友可以參考單篇心得喔。 Ralph Breaks the Internet 無敵破壞王 2 :網路大暴走 上榜第一週,可能因為台灣上週只有口碑場,正式上映之後名次應該會再攀升的喔。電影當中比較抒情的一首歌曲, Julia Michaels 演唱的 In This Place!!!  第四名: 人面魚:紅衣小女孩外傳 The Devil Fish 刑事組警官阿忠帶著一樁離奇的滅門血案找上虎爺乩身志成,志成決定對兇嫌執行驅魔儀式「炸魔神仔」,未料棄置的吳郭魚屍嘴中竟吐出一條遭附身的小...

“What They Had” Hits Home

Release Date: Oct/19 /2018 Genre: Drama Director: Elizabeth Chomko Cast: Hilary Swank、Michael Shannon、Robert Forster、Taissa Farmiga、Blythe Danner Viola's Rating:7.4 As the world is turning into an aging society, long-term care is getting more and more important. It’s something that if we don’t go through it ourselves, we’ll never know how difficult and harsh it is. Elizabeth Chomko, a young director from Chicago, also faces this issue in her family, and she brought the story to her very first feature film “What They Had”, which was released limited on Oct. 19, 2018. Based on Director Chomko’s own experience with her grandparents, the plot of “What They Had” is mainly about the leading actress Bridget (Hilary Swank) returns home after her brother, Nick (Michael Shannon), urges to deal with their ailing mother who has Alzheimer’s and their father's reluctance letting go of their life together. Since “What They Had” is about Alzheimer’s, Bridget and Nick’s mother’s co...

【好雷】What They Had 被遺忘的幸福

上映日期:Nov/30/2018 類型:Drama 導演: Elizabeth Chomko 演員: Hilary Swank、Michael Shannon、Robert Forster、Taissa Farmiga、Blythe Danner Viola's Rating:7.4 根據衛福部調查,臺灣地區90歲以上老人,大約每四位有一位失智症患者;65~69歲年齡區間,一百個老人中只會有一點五位罹患失智症。即便不是失智症,高齡化的問題日漸嚴重,長照議題越來越重要,導演伊莉莎白喬珂 ( Elizabeth Chomko )  的首部長片《被遺忘的幸福》講出自己祖父母的故事,真實披露家有失智老人所要面臨的困難與抉擇。

“Bohemian Rhapsody” Will Rock You

Release Date: Nov/2 /2018 Genre: Biography/Drama/Music Director: Bryan Singer Cast: Rami Malek、Aidan Gillen、Lucy Boynton Viola's Rating:7.3 Back in 1970s, a British rock band called “Queen” was formed, which later became one of the most celebrated bands in the history around the world. Besides the performance at the closing ceremony of the 2012 Summer Olympics in London and recent Queen + Adam Lambert Tour, casual aficionados, diehard enthusiasts, general rock fans or even just average Joe can enjoy and witness the charisma of Queen and its eminent lead vocalist, Freddie Mercury as the biopic “Bohemian Rhapsody” was released on Nov. 2, 2018. This biographic, musical drama depicts a chronicle of the years leading up to Queen's famous appearance at the Live Aid (1985) concert. Not a documentary, but “Bohemian Rhapsody” guides the audience through the legendary journey Queen took. Produced by Queen’s former manager Jim Beach and current members Brian May and Roger T...

【好雷】Bohemian Rhapsody 波希米亞狂想曲

上映日期:Nov/9/2018 類型:Biography/Drama/Music 導演: Bryan Singer 演員: Rami Malek、Aidan Gillen、Lucy Boynton Viola's Rating:7.3 雖說不是皇后樂團的鐵粉,但還算是位搖滾迷,所以觀影前並未先查找名曲,心想該聽過的就會聽過,該知道的就會知道,沒想到,片中幾乎每首曲目都耳熟能詳,感動的程度自然也可想而知了。

影迷尖叫屋 #231

• 新片大戰 1.       Ralph Breaks the Internet 無敵破壞王 2 :網路大暴走 推薦指數八點五顆星 導演瑞奇摩爾曾在推出《無敵破壞王》時向外媒透露,續集將會讓任天堂的經典遊戲角色「超級馬力歐」加盟。不過《無敵破壞王 2 :網路大暴走》就不同了,瑞奇摩爾說:「我們在續集中為馬里歐的出場想到了一個好點子,能讓他在續集裡出場真的很棒。」而瑞奇摩爾也想為迪士尼經典《電子世界爭霸戰》在此續作中找到其他出場機會。 2.     紅高粱 Red Sorghum 推薦指數八顆星 本片改編自莫言同名中篇小說,以童真觀點回溯「我爺爺餘佔鰲(姜文)」和「我嬭嬭(鞏俐)」的故事。國際巨星鞏俐首部電影,大導姜文從影代表作,奧斯卡提名攝影大師顧長衛奠基之作。 描述窮困的九兒被父母逼嫁給酒坊的痲瘋病主人,在一望無際的高粱田裡,她衝破封建,與曾經救過她的酒坊工人擁抱熾熱的真愛。然而入侵的日本兵泯滅人性,為了復仇,酒坊全體加入抵抗,九兒的人生在血泊中劃下終點,卻也是傳奇的起點。 • 電影 Top 007 第五名: Hunter Killer 潛艦獵殺令 推薦指數五顆星 The Nutcracker and the Four Realms 胡桃鉗與奇幻四國 推薦指數四點五顆星 Hunter Killer 潛艦獵殺令 上榜第四週,一掉出領先群就快跌出榜單,推薦指數不高還是有原因的。 The Nutcracker and the Four Realms 胡桃鉗與奇幻四國 上榜第二週,同樣快掉出榜單,台灣要等到 12/28 跨年檔期才上映。雖然推薦指數不高,不過或許到時候會重新上榜也說不定。 第四名: A Star Is Born 一個巨星的誕生 推薦指數八點五顆星 誰先愛上他的 Dear Ex 推薦指數八點五顆星 A Star Is Born 一個巨星的誕生 上榜第六週,掉出領先群外,已經看過的朋友可以參考單篇心得喔。 誰先愛上他的 Dear Ex ...

The Crimes of Grindelwald Opens at the Close

Release Date: Nov/16 /2018 Genre: Adventure/Family/Fantasy Director: David Yates Cast: Eddie Redmayne、Johnny Depp、Ezra Miller、Jude Law、Callum Turner Viola's Rating:5.4 Once again, Potterheads pick up their wands, follow the celebrated magizoologist Newt Scamander back to the Wizarding World for more magical adventures and dig out more about other fantastic beasts and the crimes of Grindelwald as the sequel of “Fantastic Beasts” series was released on Nov. 16, 2018. “Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald” is the second episode of the series set in J.K. Rowling's Wizarding World featuring the adventures of magizoologist Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne). This adventurous family fantasy focuses on all the historical events Newt encounters while he’s collecting information and taking field trips for his book “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them”, the classic textbook for Magizoology. Although more secrets are discovered in “Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes...