Old Friends, New Purpose in “Toy Story 4”

Release Date:Jun/21/2019
Director:Josh Cooley
Cast:Tom Hanks、Keanu Reeves、Jordan Peele、Christina Hendricks、Patricia Arquette 

Viola's Rating:8.8

Since 1995, children would imagine their toys have fun on their own, talk and walk at night because of “Toy Story”, and Buzz and Woody’s adventure with Andy came to an official end after accompanying the audience for 15 years. However, four years later, Disney announced that there’ll be a sequel to it, and here we are, “Toy Story 4” was finally released on June 21, 2019.

As the fourth installment in Pixar’s “Toy Story” series, this popular adventurous animation comedy continues from “Toy Story 3”, where Buzz, Woody and other toy friends have found new home after being given by Andy to Bonnie, and when a new toy called "Forky", who doesn’t even consider itself as a toy, joins Woody and the gang, a road trip with both new and old friends reveals how big the world can be for a toy.

“Toy Story” franchises always teach moviegoers life values, and “Toy Story 4” is no exception. Embracing one’s destiny and true identity is always difficult, and with a new utensil character and Woody adjusting himself from the shift of different owners and everything happens, “be yourself” becomes a critical issue in the feature film.

Since “Forky” is made of trash, he doesn’t think it’s possible for him to be loved; on the other hand, some toys just don’t receive kids’ attention even though they’re in good condition and have been taken well of. “Toy Story 4” redefines how people think about one’s value, which is very valuable for children to learn.

Also, “friendship” is a theme that’s never absent from “Toy Story” series. Not only does the old friend gang, which was Andy’s toys, team up again, there are new friends join their journey during the adventure. While old aficionados immerse themselves in the nostalgic memories, new enthusiasts can also experience the happiness by the strong bonding between all the characters.

Just like its prequel, “Toy Story 4” wants to encourage the concept of “passing it forward”. From being Andy’s toys to Bonnie’s toys, all the characters convey the idea all these years and share their love for each other to more people and more toys. That is the secret of the franchise to express the joy to its audience.

Last but not least, by making new friends and meeting up with old friends, characters in “Toy Story 4” try hard to find their true purposes in their toy life besides playing with kids, the noblest deed a toy can do in his or her life. By stating that clearly and keeping it in mind, toys can truly understand their mission.

“Toy Story 4” may not be the best installment of the series, but it’s definitely one of the best motion pictures of all time. It’s not only a nostalgic sequel, but also an emotional flick that brings tears to your eyes.

Picture Credit: IMDb


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